Rumori - Passeggiate - Luci - mostra dei borsisti dell'Accademia d'Ungheria in Roma, 2022

Group exhibition of the residents artist, 2022

S.ongs P.layed Q.uietly in R.ome, 2022

an audiovisual installation (painting, drawing, digital print, post-mixed audiowork)

Monuments naturally have a long tradition in Rome, triumphal arches, obelisks dragged from Egypt, and all the ruins of the ancient world now reduced by time to function as marks of history. During my one month stay I started to think in terms of spatial structures inspired by these sights, and also had the idea to produce a documented material that consists of drawn, painted and photographed images accompanied by recorded sounds. All this fuss to build a complex installation of personal experiences I collected not just through looking and hearing but even by smelling and tasting. This is how S.P.Q.R.(Songs Played quietly in Rome) my audiovisual installation took shape.